Use these scripts to collect bandwidth data for each container. You can view the data on a graph and total usage by months.
The scripts are originally received from Hutzoft but modified to work with the Proxmox directory structure.
1. Install rrdtool and PHP support
apt-get install rrdtool php5
2. Download the bandwidth collection script and Web UI
3. Unpack and relocate
tar zxvf vzmonitor.tar.gz mkdir /usr/local/bandwidth mv bandwidth /usr/local/bandwidth/ mv vzmonitor /var/www/
4. Create a cron job to collect the data every 5 minutes (crontab -e)
*/5 * * * * cd /usr/local/bandwidth;./ &> /dev/null
5. Add config to Apache (pico /etc/apache2/conf.d/vzmonitor.conf)
Alias /vzmonitor /var/www/vzmonitor <Directory /var/www/vzmonitor> DirectoryIndex index.php </Directory>
6. Restart Apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
7. It’s ready, wait a few minutes and enter this location to view the bandwidth usage: http://yourserver/vzmonitor